
elPhemo’s Corner – You Can Beat Your Inconsistencies



Hey Reader, In this newsletter, more of you will appear while less of me will surface because I know you can beat your inconsistencies, What do I mean? The last time you heard from me was the 12th of April, 2022, I started feeling bad when I couldn’t meet up with the weekly newsletter. I remember Folu entering my DM with reminders in the last two weeks about the newsletter and when I was going to write the third newsletter.

Understanding how to build new habits (and how your current ones work) is essential for making progress in your health, your happiness, and your life in general. – James Clear

Truth be told, I have been occupied with creating, and managing people and brands and I was yet to find a balance for my newsletter in my schedule.

What is the new or pending task you need to find a balance for in your schedule? 🤔

Take a moment to think about it

You don’t need to give up on that idea because of your inconsistency at the early stage; you can beat your inconsistency. keep showing up and find out ways that idea, habit, or task can fit in and work better.

That’s exactly what I am doing Reader, I am finding ways my newsletter can fit into my schedule and it will become a routine.

Reader, do you mind sharing what you have been inconsistent on? If you want to, kindly reply in the comment section. I will be glad to talk about it with you.

By Oluwafemi Ogunsanya

Oluwafemi Ogunsanya is an idea-driven strategist that bridges the gap between brands and their audiences using digital media and its tools. As the founder and lead strategist of The Bees Digital Agency, Oluwafemi has worked with several organizations, brands, and SMEs in Nigeria to strategize and implement digital media marketing that is practical, direct, and attainable.

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